
Collaboration is good business


1-Day Seminar

This introductory seminar lays a solid foundation with emphasis on the following learning outcomes: 

  •  Introduce leaders to the quadrants of behavior in the collaboration model

  •  Train leaders on the five people skills they can acquire through practice and improvement 

  • Apply their training to example scenscenarios of managers utilizing the people skills Advanced Seminar.

4-Day Intensives

An advanced four-day follow-on seminar builds on the content of the 1-day introductory seminar to move leaders along the path to skill practice and acquisition, which will empower them for hands-on application for greater business success. Higher level benefits of this leadership through people skills training include: 

  • Exposing the gap between values and assumptions that are the foundations for their current company culture vs. the values and assumptions needed to create a vibrant and healthy company culture and climate. 

  •  Connecting company leaders’ values and assumptions to company vision and mission   

  • Building cultures of trust, aligned interests, and mutual accountability.      

  • Equipping company leaders with the emotional intelligence and interpersonal leadership skills needed to create a healthy and vibrant company culture. 

  • Equipping employees with the emotional intelligence and teamwork skills needed to respond constructively to the healthy and vibrant company culture created by leadership. 

UTah Bar Certified CLE

A half-day (4-hour), in-house, Utah Bar Certified continuing legal education seminar in ethics, civility, and professionalism. Learn practical tools, techniques, and concepts to create an empathetic, supportive office culture. Contact us for more details.

Custom Courses

Our team will work closely with you to determine your company's needs and create custom solution. Visit our Expertise page for more details.